All right! I usually try to keep my mouth shut and just review books but I'm upset, mad, irritated, and scared. I don't trust my own government. Not only is Obama passing laws helter shelter but he's making an old enemy so angry that Russia threatened us with Nuclear annilination again last week. Do you want bombs raining on America? Well Putin can do it!
We were friends wuth Russia just two weeks ago. How can a President be so irresponsible and have no diplomatic skills. I think Putin did what he did in UKraine to spite Obama. It's like Putin and Obama are in a back yard squabble and don't care that lives and countries are at stake and wait a minute, does Putin give a fig for Obama's rantings? He thinks Obama is a stupid joke and is literally ignoring him and I think doing more because of his extreme dislike for Obama.
Also Obama puts out money without, In God We Trust" on our money! Refuse this money! Do not use it!
Okay take away credibility! Take away our financial glory! Take away our medical system! Take away from and reduce our military!Now take away our spiritual protections? What is going on here? I'll tell you what is hspoening here! The destruction of the best Democracy and finest country in the world by one skinny president?
Hello! Protest!!! Somewhere in this country surely we still have people with brains and can realize what is happening! Stop it! Write, text, email, complain!!! DO SOMETHING NOW!!!!! Before we lose our freedom and our country! Our prestige is shaken, our economy is shaken, our prosperity is Shaken all since Obama took office, doesn't that tell you something or are all the people in the US ready to speak Russian or Chinese? Wake Up America DO SOMETHING!!! NOW