Thursday, November 2, 2017

NOT Nazi!!!NOT Facist!!!!
The propaganda that Soros is circulating on internet and everywhere is ridiculous! Trump is NOT Hitler!He is NOT a Nazi or a Facist! It’s all ridiculous!
How can Americans ever even think that? I researched the internet and I found Misinformation!!!everywhere! Look Soros worked beside Hitler! Soros knew how to get people 2believe lies! Using Media and Professors in Germany to LIE to kids! He’s tearing up the world for some sick purpose! Using his $billions To Run Europe &trying 4 America! 
Look we are Patriots! We know our Constitution& our Freedoms In Our Country!We Are Not As Stupid As Evidently Anyone That Believes This Facist Bull! We Would NEVER Stand For A Dictator Of Any Kind! Trump included! Facism Especially Anyone like Hitler The worst Demon From Hell! Being a Patriot Does not Make You a Racist! (Im a Patriot because The People White/Black/Red & Yellow Rule America!)We Millions Elected Trump To do OUR Bidding “Not His!”

WakeUpAndFight4Trump!WeAreThePeople!WeElectedTrump!ToCareAboutAmerica& (“ALL”Americans)& To Not Let USA Go To Crap Like Other Presidents Were Doing!Im Not A Racist! Im A CardToting Capitalist Democratic Native American!MyGreatGreat GrandFatherWasDaniel Boone&GrandmotherThe LastBelovedWomanOfThe CherokeeNation!&I Love This USA!Its Not Perfect! Its Made Mistakes!But Only Perfect Person Was Jesus Christ!! & Perfect Place Is Heaven!!But I fight Facist & Racism! I Fight Against Lies & Propaganda& I fight against Nazis &This “AntiFa”is Crazy people Telling Lies Against Us Patriots!You Do Not Understand Liberty Or America?If you believe these lies READ our Constitution! You evidently have no clue what Liberty & Freedoms & powerful Democracy we have! democrats seem to be taken over by Socialist & Communists! I used to be a Democrat but I do not follow Blindly a party That has changed its Basic Principles To something I don’t recognize! I never was A Republican but I listened to candidates and Trump was only man Strong enough to fight this sickness taking over my country! I will not remain a Republican out of blind obedience!I follow my Constitution & freedoms!I Follow A Person who will keep The Peoples Interest and Keep the  people’s Mandate Called”DEMOCRACY”& Capitalism Works!Socialism is Oppression and deadly to everyone just look at Venezuela! The only way people are believing these lies is with Bought media&Sic Hollywood lies! They rich they don’t care about USA I love my Country!That makes me also Love ALL the People In it that Are Americans& Legal Law Abiding USA insures all our lives!Illegal and criminals do not insure our freedoms. WAKE UP and Be a Patriot Don’t believe the liars that would take what we have These people are jealous of our lives and country! People die to get into America Because It is Great & It’s Great Because Of US American People! We elected Trump! We love America& our Freedoms Not blind obedience to a Despot or Brainwashed idiots tearing up my country! If You don’t please leave We are free you can leave any time not like Russia! Or Cuba! We been fighting Planned Parenthood forever! We fight for free speech and Every life is Precious! I’m a Christian and I love even you AntiFa Idiots!But That doesn’t make you right!In Fact you are wrong!You are the violent Hitler’s not US! Any suppression of free speech would have stopped MLK Civil Rights Movement! How can anyone that is a real American ever listen to this AntiFa GARBAGE! You are being deceived! Wake up America Love each other and Reject Soros and AntiFa and All Racism Of Anyone! We love each other! We are Americans!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from the UK. Sorry for your troubles. Good luck to you and your endeavours.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
